Презентация клиники инъекционной витаминной терапии

Market overview On average, revenue per person in 2020 in the beauty & personal Care market was $ 215.41. Cosmetics and skin care are expected to grow the most by 2025. The growth of these areas from 2020 will be 27.5% and 11.9%, respectively. Sales Channels in the Beauty & Personal Care market in France 2020 36,21 60,30 83,15 35,75 2021 38,42 62,22 85,22 36,39 2022 40,71 64,18 87,50 37,01 2023 43,09 66,18 89,83 37,63 2024 44,61 66,81 90,30 37,45 2025 46,17 67,48 90,82 37,28 +12% 2,28% CAGR Cosmetics Skin care Personal Care Fragrances Average revenue per person in the market for Beauty & Personal Care, France, dollars Most of the sales in the beauty & personal Care market take place offline. According to the results of the global survey WAVE9, conducted by IPG Mediabrands, for women, self-care today means a ritual of distraction from the daily hustle and bustle, an opportunity to relax, self-expression and new experiences. Thus, despite the rapid development of e-commerce, the share of offline sales in the beauty & personal Care sector will remain consistently high. Analysts of the international statistical agency Statistista predict that the share of offline sales will remain at the level of two-thirds of the total sales. BEAUTY & PERSONAL MARKET