Презентация клиники инъекционной витаминной терапии

Facts of Côte d'Azur The statistic presents the revenue per available room in the French region of Provence- Alpes-Côte d'Azur between 2016 and 2018. It shows that during that period, the revenue per available room constantly increased, reaching 72.3 euros excluding tax in 2018. This statistic shows the distribution of overnight stays in hotels in France, by region. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur accounted for more than 10% of total nights spent in French hotels. Revenue per available hotel room excluding tax in the French region of Provence- Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) 2016 68.8 2017 70.1 2018 72.3 +5%