Пример бизнес-плана производства мыла

98 The above terms are given for reference and price evaluation and may be varied by negotiation if requested. N.B.: Expenses for L/C confirmation as well as all Buyer's bank expenses, both direct and indirect, in connection with transfers, L/C and guarantees will be for Buyer's account. The Italian bank expenses with the exception of the confirmation charges will be at Seller’s charge. 4. DELIVERY TIME Delivery of the machinery will be completed within 6 months from the date of receipt of the down payment, provided that all technical details have been finalised within that date. It is understood that any delay will automatically bring about a corresponding delay in the delivery time, erection will take place during the 30 days following the positioning of equipment. 5. SUPERVISION AND START-UP SERVICES Upon request, the Seller will supply competent engineers to supervise erection and assist in the start-up of the plants and training of Buyer's operators in accordance with the attached Annex I. 6. GUARANTEES Performance guarantees are specified in the attached technical proposal and will be checked during test runs carried out as per Annex A to the technical proposal. Machinery guarantees are specified in the attached Annex II. We trust you will find our proposal meets your requirements and are at your disposal for any further information you may need. We remain with best regards, Yours faithfully, Encl.: Table of prices Annex I (Engineers’ Services) Annex II (Machinery Guarantees) Technical Proposal 3